
While nobody is going to be confusing you for Tinkerbell anytime soon, you certainly aren’t human either. Fairies are smaller in stature than most races, but make up for this with their inherent magic and ability to fly unaided. There are, of course, caveats, such as needing to be invited in places, and pesky consequences to breaking these rules. But what is a Fairy if not someone willing to delve into loopholes?

Fairy Traits

Rabbits are Small creatures.

Score Increase
Your Imagination score increases by 1.

You can walk at 20 FPR, and fly at 45 FPR.

Strange Magic
Each rest, you can choose one cantrip from any spell list, and gain the ability to cast it until you select another.

The Code
You are bound by various Fairy laws, and breaking them forfeits your other abilities.

Once per rest, you can reroll a Critical Failure, with the knowledge that the reroll cannot be altered in any way.

You can speak, read, and write Common and the language of Flowers.

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